Stacey Abrams on: Public Education, Teachers, Medicaid, the Importance of Governors, and …Star Trek!

SmartGirls Staff
1 min readNov 6, 2018


Amy Poehler and Stacey Abrams— sat down to discuss: public education and teachers, Medicaid, the importance of governors, and … Star Trek! 👇❤️

“I say public education saved my family’s life.” — Stacey Abrams

“I am the daughter of two public school teachers. What are you excited about being able to do as governor to help keep great teachers in your state and to improve wages?” — Amy Poehler

“It’s [Medicaid expansion] the number one investment we can make. Health care for your body, your mind, and your wallet.” — Stacey Abrams

“It would be great if governors were pen pals.” — Amy Poehler

Stacey Abrams boldly takes Amy Poehler where no one has gone before. 🚀 ⭐️ 🖖

